Using orthonormal experiments, the effect of the amount of each catalyst component and copoly merization condition in the homogeneous phase system of polyketone on the activity and life of catalytic activity center-palladium(ⅱ) was studied. 通过正交试验确定聚酮反应的均相体系中催化剂各组分配比和反应条件对催化活性及活性中心寿命的影响。
On the theory of functions of several complex variables,ⅰ& a complete orthonormal system in the hyperbolic space of matrices 多个复变数函数论&Ⅰ.矩阵的双曲空间中的一完整正交函数系
A method for constructing every orthonormal eigenstates system of a~ n 构造α~N的各正交本征态的方法
It seems that not all the network magnetic flux is the remnant of active region magnetic flux. A Necessary and Sufficient Condition of Complete Orthonormal System in the Inner Product Spaces 网络内?内积空间就范直交系完备性的一个充要条件
Complex compactly-supported orthonormal wavelets and their applications in power system 正交紧支复小波的生成及其在电力系统的应用
We introduce a class of piecewise polynomials of degree k that are orthonormal and complete in L_2 [ 0,1]. We point out the relation between linear Walsh system and some non-orthogonal systems. 本文介绍作者关于一类正交分段多项式规范完备系{U}的阶段性研究结果:对线性Walsh系统,进一步指出它与一类简单的非正交系的关系;
Another one is to introduce the notion of semi Reinhardt domain and to compute the complete orthonormal system for the semi Reinhardt domain. 二是引进了semiReinhardt域的概念并求出了它的完备标准正交函数系。
The Investigation of the Varying Parameters and the Orthonormal Testing Calculation of the Injection System 燃油喷射系统变参数研究及正交试验计算